
Excellent attendance at school is important to allow a child or young person to fulfil their potential.

Attendance and Punctuality

We think it is very important that all our pupils benefit from 190 days of learning to ensure they make progress and achieve the results they should. If a school can improve its attendance by 1%, this can result in a 5 – 6% improvement in attainment. We are asking you to support the Academy by ensuring that your child achieves excellent attendance.

Here are some of the ways in which you can help our Academy achieve excellent attendance:

  • The Academy is closed for 14 weeks a year when you can take holidays and travel abroad. Where there are exceptional circumstances for a pupil to be absent during term time, you can make a written request to the Headteacher. However, the Headteacher’s decision is final. You do not have a right to take term time leave.
  • We expect pupils to arrive at the Academy on time. Late arrivals disrupt the education of others. Pupils arriving after the register has closed will be marked in the register as having an unauthorised absence.
  • We do not expect pupils to come to school when they are sick, but those with regular sickness absence will be expected to provide us with medical evidence before further absences are authorised.
  • Avoid medical and dental appointments during the Academy day.
  • If you or your children are having difficulties that impact on attendance, please make an appointment with a member of staff to discuss additional support.
Attendance Procedures Attendance/Lateness Guidance for Parents/Carers